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Famous 'hairy lychee', Rambutan
Embark on a tropical trip with the unique Rambutan 🌞🍒
🏝 Exotic Flavor – Juicy and sweet, with a touch of floral notes, this 'hairy lychee' is popular world-wide. Known for a unique flavor and related to lychee and longan.
💪 Nutrient Powerhouse – Packed with Vitamin C, manganese, and fiber, Rambutan is your tasty ally for health and vitality.
😋 Perfect Snack – Each rambutan fruit is a refreshing bite. Perfect as a healthy snack, or toss it into vibrant fruit salads and desserts.
Tasty tips – Rambutan darken in color as they ripen, turning a deep red. Peel its unique exterior and enjoy the milky sweet flesh, avoiding its seed. Store on a shaded countertop until it reaches desired ripeness, then refrigerate as needed.
Our 💯 Fresh Fruit Guarantee
🤝 Hassle-free replacement of any fruit that doesn't arrive perfectly.
🎯 Every harvest is hand sorted and tested to meet our high standards.
Why Customers Rate Our fruit 4.9 / 5.0
The perfect gift for foodies, health nuts, fruit lovers, and adventurers.
100% fresh fruit guarantee so you can order with confidence direct from a real farm.
Every box is carefully hand sorted, packaged, and shipped for a safe arrival.
Friendly prompt support direct from our U.S. farm to answer any questions.